Leslie Ali Walker


Brand-led Solve:
Air New Zealand
3 Hutchinson
The Guardian

Consumer-led Solve:
Nike China
Channel 5

Product-led Solve:
Luxury Tampon
TED Residency Idea
Google+ HO
Need/Done App
Product Experiments

Marketing Solve:
DoorDash for Dashers
Tubular QSR for GenZ
BET New Season
Kantar SuperBowl XX
Carhartt Amplified
Noom Positioning
Livewell Branding
G/O Media Co Launch 

Make Things Better Solve:
50/50 Leadership Program
Save The Children
PROD Content Studio
Need/Done App

Solved nothing in particular,
but still fun to make:
“The Sperminator”
SHOTS Mag - Sep Issue
“The Object” - Sundance
Maximo Park Video


Latest Favorite Thing

Credit:  ECD
Client: JWT

Brief:  Agency Inclusion Initiative - Raise the female creative profile at J Walter Thompson

Solve:  Make the face of creative leadership female -  do it today.
Pilot and launch a female Creative Development Program designed to normalize female leadership at the agency.

The 50/50 Leadership Pogram was devised as way to give women more exposure as creative leaders at JWT. It was specifically designed to promote a future reality I intend to be part of - an agency creative department where the ratio of male to female CDs is 50/50.

The Pilot Program:
After a formal application process three “Creative Directors” were selected.
  • Each was given the opportunity to choose cross-discilinary team mates as well as agency C-suite mentors for added support. 
  • All attended weekly sessions with speakers across different disciplines, specifically recruited to strengthen their knowledge of the business.
  • A tech-led client (ENSE - a social media platform that connects people through audio units called "Enses") briefed in their marketing problem, and then chose and produced the winning solution.

The winning team’s solution:  Introduce the world to a new kind of sharable, snackable form of content - an “Ense” (from the winning team led by Jess Toye and Devon Wood) 

A promotional batch of limited edition ENSE hot sauce was produced. The limited edition was produced with one special ingredient - sound - made specifically to introduce the brand to the press and content-generating influencers alike.

Since the Royal Horticultural Society has proven that talking to plants helps them grow, the team decided to use the power of voice to help New Yorkers make something fun together - something they could share with each other - a hot sauce batch produced entirely by using the sound of their collective voice.

The chili plants were fed a daily diet of "spicy messages" sent to them by native NYers. Listeners and viewers of the real time video feed were encouraged to download their spicy words of encouragement. Ense speakers set up next to a crop of the chili plants played NY's "spiciest" Enses to the plants 24/7. Submissions included jokes, stories and songs - the kind of content that makes the best Enses. The snackable, sharable kind.
All of which helped promote Ense to a world of new audiophiles and content producer-users.

Speakers and tech produced by Ense. Chili pepper batch production bottling Courtesy, Brooklyn Grange. All profits go to GrowNYC.

A simple modern design explained how the products are made by using people's voice. Bottles were sent to the press, inviting them to send audio clips / Enses of their voice to produce their own personal bottle of hot sauce. The product was introduced at local farmer's markets and served at the launch event. The physical product and related press coverage helped Ense raise its public profile in NY among users - helping to support organic user base growth by 10x)

47 SUMMIT ST (2C,) BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. 11231   917.635.1328